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Thank You

Covid’s been rough. I’ve been praying for you/us all privately. Just want to say thank you publicly. This is personal. You know who you are!


Nurses, medical staff and first responders on the front lines, risking your lives to save others’. ❤️🏥 

Social Workers out there still visiting homes and meeting needs, to ensure the safety and well being of children and families. ❤️

Truck Drivers and Delivery Service Workers who are ramping up to ensure everyone gets their “stuff” in a somewhat timely manner, bringing normalcy to an abnormal situation. ❤️ 🚛

Health Inspectors for ensuring the health, safety and sanitation of people and places during these unprecedented times, often on the front lines. ❤️

Teachers for ensuring our children still have work to keep their minds challenged, food to keep their bellies full, connection to keep them inspired and encouragement to keep pressing forward. ❤️

Real Homeschooling Parents for sharing your knowledge, resources and lessons learned with us COVID-19, no preparation-time-having, forced-entry, second-guessing, yet grateful emergency homeschooling parents. ❤️😁

Counselors and Therapists for taking care of the mental health needs of the people and offering pro bono services to help people cope and manage during this time. ❤️

Physical Fitness folks who are keeping us energized so we don’t put on the #Covid15. ❤️ 🏋🏿‍♂️ 

Musicians and Artists who are keeping us inspired and entertained through soul stirring music, art, poetry, etc. Keep it coming.  ❤️ 

Pastors and Preachers for making all kind of accommodations to ensure God’s word continues to go forth and for shedding much needed light onto the truth of our current situation. God knows, cares and heals according to his will. ❤️📖 

Leaders who are making tough decisions every day to ensure the safety and well being of those within their sphere of influence.  ❤️

Prayer Warriors and Intercessors who are warring spiritually in their secret places for me and you every day, when we don’t even know it.  ❤️🙏🏾

All of our Representatives working to keep internet speeds running optimally, to offer additional channels and movies for our entertainment, and others out there. ❤️

Comedians and those that keep us laughing (man, I’ve seen some of the funniest things EVER during this time).  Good belly laughs are good for the soul. ❤️😄 

News Reporters and producers and those that are keeping us informed. Although you may get a bad rep sometimes, we appreciate each of you individually for your sacrifices. ❤️

Trainers and presenters of all kinds (inserting plug here), working tirelessly behind the scenes to obtain and learn new methods and resources to offer virtual training opportunities in your areas of discipline... to keep people learning... and so those that are working from home now have something to do to account for their time. ❤️✅ 

All the people who have chosen to take only what they need from the stores, in an effort to ensure that there’s enough TP for everyone... I digress. But for real, though. We making memories.  ❤️😆

If I missed you, THANK YOU too!

We will rise, together! We will be better! 

Peace & Love ✌🏾💕 

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