Happy New Year!!!
I thank God for 2015! It's truly been a great year. But as always, I'm looking forward to what He has in store for my future. There's a transformation in process! And I believe that God WILL prove His perfect will in my life (Romans 12:2)...and in the lives of you who believe in His truth and walk not by sight but by faith.
I always enjoy reading through messages and posts on Facebook at the beginning of a new year. All of us have our own ideals about what we would like 2016 to deliver. But in all my thinking, planning and praying, I REST IN JESUS! Resolutions are only as good as the consistency and determination of the person setting them. "That word" has become cliche and synonymous for "short term goal lacking a plan of action" in many cases. But the fact is, whatever you decide to call it is up to you! With proper planning resolutions can be sustained, just as goals can fail with improper (or non-existent) planning. But at the end of the day, I rest in knowing that God's strength is made perfect in my weakness!! Haha...Praise Break‬ 💃💃
Yes, I have renewed commitments, revised goals and added on to my prayer list. And though I may fall short on some of my commitments, may not meet some of my desired goals and may find that my answered prayers look quite different from what I envisioned...GOD IS STILL GOD!! So as long as I take refuge in Him, I'm good!!!
Be blessed people, and have a prosperous 2016!